ニチニチソウ培養細胞によるアジマリシン生産 : 産物放出促進による生産量増加
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More efficient production and recovery of secondary metabolites from plant cell cultures are needed. Three factors that have the potential to increase the release of products from cells are elicitors, adsorption in situ, and cell immobilization. The effects of these factors on ajmalicine production from Catharanthus roseus cells were as follows. Elicitation using autoclaved cultures of the mold Phytophthora cactorum stimulated a 60% increase in ajmalicine production. The response to elicitor addition was observed within 11 h. Adsorption of ajmalicine from the extracellular medium with a neutral resin, Amberlite XAD-7,greatly enhanced the release of ajmalicine (from less than 10% extracellular to 40%), with a 40% increase in total productivity. Immobilization in Ca-alginate beads resulted in a significant increase in the accumulation of ajmalicine in the medium. The effects of elicitation, adsorption and immobilization were synergistic. For a 23-d culture period the amount of extracellular ajmalicine in the medium for cells subjected to all three treatments was 90 mg/l, compared to 2 mg/l for suspension cultures under the basal conditions without any of the treatments. These results suggest that immobilized cell bioreactors may be feasible for the continuous production of secondary metabolites normally stored intracellulary in vacuoles of plant cells.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1994-11-25
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