- 論文の詳細を見る
A yellow spot besides ciclopirox olamine spot was observed when ciclopirox olamine was subjected to the thin-layer chromatography. Ciclopirox olamine (R_f 0.40) and a yellow spot (R_f 0.65) were observed in UV light or daylight, when ciclopirox olamine was developed on a silica geI F_<254> plate by using benzene-ethanol (93:7) as a developer. A yellow spot was produced by the reaction of ciclopirox olamine with Fe, about 0.02% of which was contained in silica gel, under the development. The yellow spot was identified as the ciclopirox-Fe chelate (C_<36>H_<48>FeN_3O_6) after comparative studies between ciclopirox-Fe chelate and the yellow spot by UV, IR and atomic absorption spectrochemical analysis of Fe. 0n a thin-laver chromatographic plate with a refined silica gel (ca. 0.002% of Fe was contained) or silica gel on sale (ca. 0.02% of Fe was contained) treated with hydrochloric acid and with addition of fluorescent agent ciclopirox olamine (R_f 0.40) was only observed.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 1976-06-10
鈴木 信夫
Pharma Research Laboratories Hoechst Japan Limited
鈴木 信夫
Research And Development Laboratories Hoechst Japan Limited
栗木 武男
栗木 武男
鈴木 信夫
辻山 毅
Pharma-Quality Control Laboratory, Hoechst A. G.
Gurniak Rolf
Pharma-quality Control Laboratory Hoechst A. G.
辻山 毅
Pharma Research & Development Division Hoechst Japan Ltd.
辻山 毅
鈴木 信夫
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