- 論文の詳細を見る
An efficient Monte-Carlo simulation method for a microscopic magnetic model with both exchange interactions and magnetic dipolar interactions was developed. The method reduces the computer CPU time from of the order N^2 to Nlog_2 N, where N is the number of the spins. Using the method, we studied the spin structure of the model on square lattices of various sizes. As a result, we found that the size of the surface area is an important parameter for determining the magnetic properties of the model. For the isotropic model, as the size increases, the spin structure changes from a ferromagnetic one to a circular (vortical) one. On the other hand, for a model with strong uniaxial anisotropy, we found three lattice size ranges, A, B, and C. In range A (small lattices), the model exhibits properties of the usual Ising model. In range B (mediumsized lattices), the ferromagnetic phase at low temperatures changes to the paramagnetic phase at high temperatures through an intermediate incommensurate pahse. In range C (large lattices), a similar change in the magnetic structure occurs, but the low-temperature phase has striped domains. For a model with moderate strength of the uniaxial anisotropy, we found a magnetic reorientation from an out-of-plane oriented striped phase at low temperature to an in-plane oriented circular phase at high temperature. The spin structures of models of stacked layers are also studied.
- 2000-03-01
- 道路交通のダイナミクス(VIII) : ボトルネックと交通流(セッション1)
- 道路交通のダイナミクス(VII) : 交差点におけるショックウェーブと平均流量(第1セッション)
- (139)高度情報化社会に対応した情報システム技術者教育 : 東北文化学園大学応用情報工学科「情報システム演習」の事例(第37セッション 教育システム(実験・設計製図等)(VI))
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- モンテカルロシミュレーションの磁性体研究への応用
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- 道路交通のダイナミクス(VI) : 疎から密に向かう交通流
- 道路交通のダイナミクス(IV) : t-sダイヤグラムの定量化の基礎考察
- 道路交通のダイナミクス(VI) : 疎から密に向かう交通流
- SA-4-1 q-k相関に及ぼすプラトーニング効果の考察
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- A-17-1 道路交通における車両密度(k)と流量(q)との関係(q-k相関)の考察
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- 道路交通のダイナミクス(IV) : t-sダイヤグラムの定量化の基礎考察
- 道路交通のダイナミクス(III) : 交差点で生じる車列形成のダイナミクス
- A-17-33 交差点の道路交通ダイナミクスの表現とパラメータ
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