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In this paper, an inductive learning method using Genetic Algorithms(GA) is proposed, which learns Prolog programs from true examples given for the programs. The programs are recursive predicates whose goals have the same functor and the same arity. The gene representation of a predicate is a serial conjunction of bits blocks, each of which has an argument part at the head and a delimiter at the tail to encode predicate arguments. Terms of the argument are [], [H|T] and V, in which H, T and V mean Prolog variables. In bits blocks, each variable is treated as an address pointer and unification among variables is pointer addressing from a variable to another. The addressing is encoded to a bits block together with a delimiter at the places correspondent to the variable. The arguments of a goal are recognized in sevral continuous bits blocks, and arguments by bits are translated to Prolog terms according to meaning of each bit. Learning from the examples is executed by GA operations on a population of a given size and by a meta interpreter. The GA operations in use are the multiplex crossover whose points are decided at random, the uniform mutation which partially uses the adaptive mutation, and the elitist strategy. The meta interpreter examines an individual on possibility of translation to a Prolog clause and scores the ratio of satisfied examples against the givens as the fitness of the translated clause. If the individual of the highest fitness gives true to some examples, a clause has learned and the examples given true are deleted. The learning process runs adding one goal to the older clause step by step. If no example remains, learning ends. Applying the method to the 'append' learned its definition within about 30 generations of 20 elite individuals each.
- 社団法人人工知能学会の論文
- 1996-07-01
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