- 論文の詳細を見る
Term logic is a logic system where the meanings and the derivation relations of sentences can be directly described as relations of terms (which correspond to nouns of natural language). It has a unique character different from predicate logic where expressions are represented based on relations among individuals. Previously, we proposed the term logic system LVPM which can deal with compound terms corresponding to noun phrases modified by adjectives or relative clauses. In this system, a compound term is directly represented by an expression composed of terms and verb symbols. But the term-quantifiers usable in LVPM are only universal ones, corresponding to "all" or "every". Thus, the meanings of noun phrases or sentences including existential quantifiers, such as "man that has a car" or "Every man loves a woman", can't be represented in LVPM. In this paper, we introduce the existential term-quantifier into the term logic system. We construct this extended term logic as an axiomatic system, and give a set theoretical semantics for it. Then we prove the completeness of the axiomatic system under the semantics. Furthermore it is shown that the relation of equality between terms can be treated in this system.
- 社団法人人工知能学会の論文
- 1995-11-01
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