- 論文の詳細を見る
This study examined the relationship between perceived procedural fairness and the evaluation of specific policies made by a city administration. A questionnaire survey was administered to residents (n = 643) of a town newly constructed in Kobe City. The respondents rated the extent to which the city administration explained things to them, paid respect to them, and listened to their opinions. They also rated satisfaction with city functions and evaluated the environmental disruption of urban development. Results showed that evaluations of procedural justice in general domains influenced both judgments of procedural justice involving specific policies and evaluations of development programs. It also was revealed that procedural justice judgment in general domains was determined mainly by relational factors such as perceived respect from the city administration. It is suggested that procedural justice and relational factors are crucially important in the making and execution of public policies.
- 日本社会心理学会の論文
- 2002-03-29
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