新たな学校パラダイムは逸脱を解決できるか (学校パラダイムの変容と青少年の逸脱)
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Since 1980's, the paradigm of schooling has been changing drastically. The change contains pursuit of individuality, introduction of various types of education or school, integration of curriculum, and downsizing and liberalization of schooling. Along with it, discourses about education or schooling have changed. They emphasize conflict between teachers and pupils, and set the goal of schooling very abstractly, as shown in the slogans such as "Power of Living" or "Education of Mind". The New Paradigm of Schooling is advocated referring to the various deviant behaviors of pupils and teachers, which have become social problems for these two decades, for example, school violence, bullying, school refusal, or corporal punishment. In such discourses, "Old Paradigm of Schooling" is regarded as the cause of the various problems, and it is assumed that The New Paradigm surely solves them. But, as seldom referred, those behaviors of pupils and teachers have long been existing even though they were not paid attention to. Also important enough, people's sensitivity and attitude towards schooling have changed. They prefer individuality, privacy, rights, and equality. They no longer trust nor authorize schooling. So it is sure that The Old Paradigm no longer fits into them. Consequently, the change of paradigm being embodied in educational reform is in a sense inevitable. And some of the reform will be able to reduce or normalize the deviant behaviors to some extent. Moreover, school is expected to withdraw from controlling pupils' deviance. But, it is not recognized that some other agents should be responsible for the control of deviance if school is exempted from it. Owing to the downsizing of schooling, more and more teenagers are supposed to enter into various places outside school and some types of deviant behavior are sure to appear. Discourses which expect downsizing of schooling doesn't take it into account.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文
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- II 心理主義化する社会と学校教育
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