生徒の非行行動に対する教師集団の指導性とその効果 : F県の事例調査から
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In this paper, the authors intend to clarify the relationships between the extent of the united activity for guidance of teachers as a group - they term it the guidance ability of teachers' group - and the effects of the united activity on the students' deviant behaviors, especially junior-high school students' deviant behaviors. So far studies of the juvenile delinquency have dealt with the problem, in relation to the school education, that students with poor achievement have not adjusted himself to the school life. There is no doubt that the poor educational achievement is one of the major causes of juvenile delinquency. But actually, the rate of the delinquent students differs from school to school though there are about the same numbers of poorly achieving students at every school. So we should consider carefully the differences of respective school organization and school management to understand the facts. This paper pays attention to the difference in the extent of the united activity for guidance of teachers' group. The authors carried out a mail survey including 285 junior-high school teachers (one teacher from each school) in F Prefecture from the beginning of July to the middle of November in 1983 and collected 127 questionnaires of the number. We classified teachers' groups into three types on the basis of these data and applied these types as a framework for analysis. Consequently the following conclusions were obtained. (1) In schools of high guidance ability of teachers' group, there are few delinquent students, the teachers' morale is high and the teachers lay stress on mutual solidarity as a preventive measure for delinquency at school. The, teachers' group activity for guidance is effective. (2) On the contrary,in schools of low guidance ability, that is to say, in schools where the extent of the united activity of teachers' group is low, there are many delinquent students and the teachers' morale is low. The teachers lay stress on close contacts between teachers and students but the techers'group activity is ineffective.
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