テレビの中の外国・外国人 : 日本のテレビにあらわれた外国要素の内容分析
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As part of the Japan-U.S.-France joint research Project on media stereotyping we tried to analyze foreign elements, i.e., foreign countries and/or foreigners, appeared on television programs broadcast in Japan. For this purpose we sampled one week of fiction (drama and featurelength film) and nonfiction (documentary and quiz show) programs from June 1985 broadcast on seven Tokyo television stations, and coded 66 programs (37 fiction and 29 nontiction programs) which contained some foreign elements for a total of 62 hours and 50 minutes. While most of the nonfiction programs were produced in Japan except for two imports from the U.S., all the fiction programs turned out to be foreign imports since no foreign elements appeared in Japanese fiction programs in this sample week. 0f these 37 fiction programs 32 were produced in the U.S., resulting in the U.S. domination over the fiction world. Though the countries covered in the nonfiction programs had much wider range, the U.S. was also found to be the country most frequently depicted. As to the themes of the nonfiction programs some differences emerged when the countries depicted were divided into the U.S. and others. Whereas the U.S.-related themes often focused upon a particular person or persons, "everyday life, manners and customs"or "nature and scenery" tended to be the dominant themes in the nonfiction programs staged in the countries other than the U.S. Furthermore, there were some differences in the images :of the U.S. and other countries conveyed through the programs as a whole, and such characteristics as "dynamic", "rich", "advance" and "open" were found to constitute the typical images of the U.S. As to the demography of major characters, regardless of the type of programs and their nationalities, males as opposed to females, those in the upper-middle social class were found to be over-represented and the young and elderly under-represented. Of the major characters Americans were rated as more "strong-willed", "smart", "serious" and less "individualistic" than the others, which did not coincide with the stereotypical images we have about the Americans. When those regarded as most representative of the U.S. were selected from the sample of American characters, however, their images tended to be in accordance with the stereotypes, in that they were rated as "outgoing" and "sociable". Thus, the U.S. was shown to constitute the main faction among the foreign countries in the world of television broadcast in Japan. It was suggested, however, that stereotypical images would be more often utilized in depiction of the countries to which we have relatively little information ; therefore, the effects of television were predicted to be greater on the formation of our images about the countries other than the U.S.
- 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会の論文
- 1987-04-30
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