麦類株腐病防除に関する研究 : 第1報 発病に及ぼす土壌条件の解析
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The Corticium foot-rot disease caused by Corticium gramineum Ikata et MATSUURA, occurring particulary on the basal part of wheat stem, is characterized by the dark-brown lesion and later by the decay of stem lesion and infection of young leaves in severe case. The effects of soil types, organic manure, chemical fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, calcium superphosphate, potassium chloride and lime on the development of the disease were studied by the artificial inoculation during two seasons at Akashi, Pref. Hyogo. The results of these investigations showed that the least injury occurred on the wheat plants grown in the sandy soil in which added organic manure, chemical fertilizers together with lime. The sandy soil seemed to be more unfavorable to the development of the disease than the loam and clay soil. There were marked seasonal changes in the microbial populations with the difference of the soil types and the fertilizers. The severity of the disease generally increased with the number of fungi in soil, while decreased with that of bacteria.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1957-06-30
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- (10) タマネギ灰色腐敗病の立毛中における発生と被害 (昭和50年度地域部会講演要旨(関西部会))
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