Go toなしプログラムのデータ・フロー解析
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Data flow analysis which determines data relationships at each point in a program is needed for production type compilers to generate efficient object code. And it also provides a programmer with useful information on usage of variables in a program. The data flow problems are devided into two classes: what definitions can affect computations at a point, and what uses can be affeced by computations at that point. In this paper, recursive descendant algorithms for solving the latter problem on a gotoless program are described. First, the basis of the data flow problem is given and some terminologies are defined. Second, the intraprocedural data flow analysis algorithm is shown which uses only available information within a procedure. Finally, the interprocedural data flow analysis algorithm is presented taking account of calling relations between procedures.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1977-01-15
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