- 論文の詳細を見る
Races of 131 isolates of tomato leaf mold fungus, Fulvia fulva, collected from 30 prefectures of Japan during 1997-1998 were identified. Four races, race 0, 2, 2.4 and 2.4.11 were detected. Race 2 was predominant with 113 isolates identified as this race. All four races were found in Kanto district, but only race 2 was detected in Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu districts. Race 0 and 2 were thought to be identical to the known races in Japan. However, race 2.4 and 2.4.11 had a virulence pattern different from the known races in Japan.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 2002-04-25
- シュクコンカスミソウのうどんこ病 (新称)
- シクラメンうどんこ病(新称)の発生
- (64) 湛水土壌中におけるムギ類赤かび病菌の生存期間 (日本植物病理大会)
- 日本におけるスイカ果実汚斑細菌病の発生
- 宿根性スターチスうどんこ病(新称)の発生
- モロヘイヤに発生したうどんこ病菌
- (45) 日本産ダイズさび病菌Phakopsora pachyrhiziのレース判定 (日本植物病理大会)
- 1997-1998年に日本で採集されたトマト葉かび病菌のレース構成
- 1997〜1998年に東日本で採集したトマト葉かび病菌のレース検定(平成12年度 日本植物病理学会大会 講演要旨)
- カンキツうどんこ病(新称)の発生