キウイフルーツかいよう病の発生生態 : 4.新梢における発病適温
- 論文の詳細を見る
Optimum temperature for growth of Pseudomonas pv.actinidiae and for developments of bacterial canker on new canes of kiwifruit were examined with growth chamber. Three years old potted vines of"Hayward"were used. Two to eight tender canes per plant were punctured with a sterile needle.Pieces of absorbent cotton dipped in bacterial suspensions containing 10^7 CFU/ml were applied to the wounded sites. The plants were kept at constant day-night temperatures of 15-10℃, 18-13℃, 23-18℃ and 28-23℃ after inoculation. At 15-10℃ and 18-13℃, exudation of bacterial ooze began in a few days after inoculation. Oozing were also observed in the early stage at 2-18℃. However, the localization was restricted to the inoculation sites and began to collapse ca.20 days after inoculation. Oozing scarcely occurred at 28-23℃, and wound-healing tissue were produced as time passed. The bacterial population in the affected tissue 45 days after inoculation decreased remarkably at 23-18℃ and at 28-23℃ compared with those at 15-10℃ and at 18-13℃.When the test plants were kept at constant temperatures of l0,15,20 and 25℃, oozing occurred earlier at 15 and 20℃ than at l0℃. However, recovery of the disease was observed at 20℃ as time passed. On the other hand, the disease developed severely at l0 and 15℃. Exudation of bacterial ooze did not occur at 25℃, and wound-healing tissue began to appear 20 days after treatment. Such a relation between temperature and development of the disease was also observed on the leaves inoculated by spraying a bacterial suspension. These results suggested that the optimum temperature for growth of the bacterium on new canes was in the range from l0 to 20℃. However,growth of the bacterium was suppressed gradually as the temperature rose probably because of the increase of resistance of new canes. Resistance was promoted remarkably as the temperature rose than 20℃. The most optimum temperature for development of the disease on new canes of kiwifruit was concluded to be in the range from 10 to 18℃.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1993-12-25
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