トリフルミゾール低感受性 Gibberella fujikuroi(Fusarium moniliforme) のヘテロカリオン形成
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Gibberella fujikuroi (Fusarium moniliforme) isolates less sensitive with MIC values of 1,000ppm or higher to triflumizole (trifmine(R)), an ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor, had only the weak pathogenicity to rice. Possibility that these triflumizole-less sensitive isolates may acquire the pathogenicity through heterokaryon formation was studied. All nitrate nonutilizing mutants obtained by Puhalla and Correll's methods were as sensitive to triflumizole and carbendazim as the parent wild type. When these mutants were paired, the triflumizole-sensitive isolates obtained from the same geographical area were complementary in most of the cases and formed heterokaryon, but the isolates obtained from different area were not complementary. On the other hand, the triflumizole-less sensitive isolates were frequently complementary even between the isolates obtained from different area, but the less sensitive isolates showed in no case the complementary reaction with the triflumizole-sensitive ones regardless their geographical origin.Similal. to the case of triflumizole, the carbendazim-sensitive isolates did not show the com-plenlen.tary reaction with the resistant ones. In addition, the triflumizole-sensitive and less sensitive isolates from the diseased and elongated seedlings were not complenlentary, and only the sensitive ones caused the elongation of rice seedlings. From these results, it is indicated that the triflumizole-less sensitive isolates can not easily acquire the pathogenicity through heterokaryon formation.
- 日本植物病理学会の論文
- 1991-07-25
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- トリフルミゾール低感受性 Gibberella fujikuroi(Fusarium moniliforme) のヘテロカリオン形成
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