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究極的にはものごとの生まれるということはなく,滅するということもなく,一切は空寂である,というマーデャミカ(中観派)の論師バーヴァヴィヴェーカの思想において,ものごとの「存在性」を説明する方式の,経典上の典拠は主として『入楞伽経』(LS)に求められた。また彼は対論者のヨーガーチャルヤ(瑜伽行派)との議論の上で特にヨーガーチャールヤが多用したLSを取り上げ,その「唯心」思想に関する中観者としての独自の解釈を示した。A representative of Sautrantika-Madhyamika-Svatantrika,Bhavaviveka quotes sutras,mainly LS,in order to show the principle of“existence”of things.Especially the Gatha Ⅲ-14,twice quoted on the serious discussions,seems to be most important for him.And he uses LS,which has many terms intimate with the Yogacaryas,in order to confute them in argument conversely.He emphasizes tha“cittamatram”preached in LS(Ⅲ-33)denotes the ethical or practical concept which means that all of the human behaviours result from and are given to“mind”(citta),and not the epistemological concept which means that there is no external object as insisted on by the Yogacarya.So he admits the existence of the external objects as the conventional reality,but not as the ultimate reality.For him the external objects are dependent phenminon(paratantra)in terms of the Yogacarya.Therefore the paratantra is not utterly,but reatively existent.it is,he considers,supported by LS(Nj.Ⅱ-191:Vd.Ⅱ-189).It seems that the quotations of LS by Bhavaviveka for the comnmentary of MK ⅩⅩⅣ-18 were followed by the succeeding Madhyamikas of India,but not so by the Chinese.
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