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空の思想を掲げる中観哲学が輪廻観をどのようにとらえ且つ批判したか,またその批判の立場はインド思想史にどのような位置を占めるものであったか。「中論」第十六章の第一偈をめぐる「般若灯論」のチベット訳本文を校訂し,漢訳と比較し,和訳することを通して,上の問いに答えを得ようとするのが本論の指向である。In Mu^^-lamadhyamaka-ka^^-rika^^- XVI-1, Na^^-ga^^-rjuna negated, by the simple constructive dilemma, the transmigration of samska^^-ra (creative force) or sattva (living being) as eternal or non-eternal. In Praj<aa>^^-pradīpa, Bha^^-vaviveka asserted that the predicate itself (dharma-svaru^^-pa) of the statement "sam-ska^^-ras (or sattva) transmigrate" would be removed if samska^^-ras (or sattva) were considered as either eternal or non-eternal. The concept of fallacy (dharmasvarupa-viparīta) that he pointed out is the same as that given in Ny a^^-yapraveśa. He not only denied the transmigration of samska^^-ra (or sattva) criticizing the transmigrationism of Sāmkhya, Vaiśesika, Vaibha^^-sika and A^^-tmava^^-da from a viewpoint of the ultimate truth, but also criticized the non-transmigrationism of Loka^^-yata from the viewpoint of mundane truth. Such an interpretation would be corresponding to the quoted A^^-ryabrjhmapariprccha^^--su^^-tra.
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