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清弁は仏教の相続輪廻説を第一義的には否定するが,これを世俗諦において容認し,ローカーヤタの断滅論的な無輪廻説を否定する。その際二諦のいずれかを標準としつつ,命題中の概念関係の妥当性を吟味する。月称は「無常の行」を「刹那」に置き換えて,それの輪廻を否定するが,二諦の分別をすることがなく却って輪廻を認めているような一面を残すことになった。Bhāvaviveka denied the transmigration of personal continuation (santāna) from a viewpoint of the ultimate truth (paramārtha), and also negated the non-transmigrationism of Lokāyata. But he admitted the transmigration of santāna like the Yogācāra school, as the customary concept (vyavahāra). It was the element to be annuled for the purpose of the religious deliverance (mosksa). Candrakirti pointed out the erroneous conclusions of transmigrationism by reductio ad absurdum without the two-truth theory. But the assumed the transmigration of common people as the premise without any limitation, when he criticized the transmigration of the different moments.
- 大阪教育大学の論文
- 1981-10-31
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