小学校家庭科の担当方法(第2報) : 家庭科担当教員の実態と意識
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This second report is concerned with a survey into the system of taking charge of homemaking and teacher's views on homemaking education from teachers' side while the first report discussed the system from the school's side. As a result, followings were made known. 1. Teachers surveyed consisted mainly of those in their twenties, followed by those in fourties, thirties and fifties. The ratio of the number of males to that of females were four to one. Their higher education was composed of the department of education of university (45%), other departments of university (11%), junior college (16%), and professional school or normal school (28%). 2. 44% of the teachers in charge of homemaking were self-supplied and simultaneously in charge of their own classes. 39% were supplied from outside (outside-supplying system). There were more cases of outside-supplying system in the teachers from junior colleges than in those from the department of education of university. 3. Fairly large amount of teachers considered that homemaking should exclusively be taken charge of by a specialist in the future. 4. Many of the teachers supplied from outside didn't consider any relation between homemaking and other subjects. 5. Many of the dissatisfactions with homemaking lay in the imperfection of facilities, followed by the contents of homemaking.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1978-05-31
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