家庭科・食物領域のビタミンに関する研究(3) : カロチンの油脂への溶解について
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An experiment was carried out with the aim of obtaining fundamental data for the teaching of "stir-frying of yellowish green vegetables with oil". The results are : 1. Solubility of β-carotene in oil increased exponentially with the rise of oil temperaure. The β-carotene dissolveed in oil was stable up to the experimental temerature of 94℃ and the experimental time of 60 minutes. 2. Amount of carotenes dissolved into oil was fairly high even at room temperature. 3. Amount of carotenes dissolved into 1ml of oil from 1g of chopped carrot was inversely related to the ratio of the former volume to the latter weight. However, total amout of carotenes dissolved from 1g of the latter was independent of the ratio and proportional to its surface area. These data indicate that stir-frying with oil at high temperature is not necessarily the best cookery for dissolving carotenes. It is considered very important to teach the pupils at Primary and junior high schools the fact that carotenes are lipidsoluble. Particularly, for the pupils at junior high school who are capable of scientific understanding, it is strongly recommended to teach the relation between vitamins and cooking through chemical experiments.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 1984-12-20
- 2. 討論(新しい時代に家庭科はどのように貢献するか, シンポジウム記録(第27回大会))
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