2529 座面の傾斜がもたらすボルト軸の曲げモーメント
- 論文の詳細を見る
Bearing surfaces are important portions for supporting axial tensions of threaded joints. The purposes of this study are to analyze an influence of inclination of bearing surfaces on bending moments acting to bolt shanks by FEM and compare the calculated values with experimented values. The FEM is applied to cases of M10 bolts under initial conditions, which are given as amounts of offsets corresponding to the axial tension and the inclination angle. The result shows that the influence is not less and even the angle around 1° causes a considerably large value of the bending stress in a bolt shank. The result also shows that by a simple formula of the beam theory the influence can be estimated approximately in safety side.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-08-05
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