2303 空気吹き噴流床ガス化炉内の灰付着性予測
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The phenomenon of coal ash deposition on the walls is observed in a coal-fired boiler or a coal gasifier. The deposits interfere with heat transfer and if they are heavy, they can interfere with operation and cause unplanned shutdowns. In order to commercialize IGCC power plant, ash adhesion behavior in the coal gasifier should be predicted when the coal type or operational condition of gasifier might be changed. CRIEPI have been conducting the research on the modeling technique of mineral matter behavior in the coal gasifier. In this study, basic ash adhesion phenomena was studied and ash adhesion probability equation was introduced into simulation code which had been developed by CRIEPI. Numerical simulations of particles behavior were conducted on 2 ton/day coal gasifier and the ash adhesion tendencies in the gasifier were evaluated.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-07-31
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