2-416 情動アルゴリズムによるマルチエージェント制御
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper proposes a way of controlling the traffic signals in the urban area using the new emotional algorithm as an example of the distributed control of multiple agents. We have been studying the emotional algorithm which evaluates and decides the emotional status of artificial system based on artificial emotional model. The emotional algorithm estimates the emotional value based on the emotional functions, which are defined on the emotional space. This paper adds the new function to evaluate the emotional statement. The individualities of each traffic signal enable to optimize the control of signals to make the traffic flows smooth. This report proposes the principal architecture of the emotional algorithm with above individuality and the traffic signal system simulator using them. The numerical simulations clarify the effectiveness of the new emotional algorithm with individuality and show the optimized control for each traffic signal.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-11-14
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- 2-416 情動アルゴリズムによるマルチエージェント制御