406 短時間のアイドリングストップが燃費に及ぼす影響
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It is a recent trend to talk about the idling stop campaign movement whose proponents claim that idling stop claim that idling stop can result in reduction of the fuel consumption and the exhaust emissions. However, some people have claimed something contrary to this claim lately by pointing out the worsening of fuel efficiency and increase of exhaust emissions as result of engaging in short idling stop at the traffic signal, etc. We have performed a comparative study of a road performance test using two vehicles of the same specifications in order to measure the effect of short idling stop in terms of fuel efficiency. Our results obtained through the use of two 1cc high resolution flow maters show that amount of fuel saved is proportional to the amount of short idling stop time. Also it shows that the increase of the vehicle stop number of times cause the aggravation of fuel efficiency regardless of the existence of the idling stop and the amount of saved fuel consumption is determined by the stop number of times of the vehicles and the rate of effective number of times contained in that. We proposed the predict equation of the saved fuel consumption by idling stops.
- 2002-03-14
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