- 論文の詳細を見る
The lack of batteries charge infrastructure and the short cruising rage have prevented the spread of electric vehicles (EV). In order to solve this problem, we are going to propose a new type of gas station system, "Hybrid Gas Station" (HGS). The HGS is equipped with a micro gas turbine (μGT) generator and battery chargers for EV to provide energy to gas engine vehicles and EV. This system can run on conventional fuels such as kerosene which are available through existing gas syndicate networks and can take advantage of μGT"S high energy efficiency and low emission. The calculated results of energy and emission evaluations show that the HGS with a 75 kWμGT' can achieve significant fuel saving and 77% CO_2,and 82% NO reduction in comparison to the gas engine vehlcles, assuming that they both go the same cruising distance. It can also contribute energy securities with low emission when it becomes one of the dlstributed generator systems. Thus, it is likely that our proposed system will become a realistic migratlon path for the next generation of energy system for automobiles.
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