Compound 48/80皮内注射時の皮膚末梢神経所見
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0.0125 mg/0.05 ml or 0.00625 mg/0.025 ml of Compound 48/80 was intracutaneously injected into normal skins of 3 patients with chronic urticaria. 30 minutes later, the skins were biopsied and subjected to histological examination with silver impregnation following Bielschowski-Suzuki's method. The following findings were obtained: (1) In the papilla of the dermis and middermis, mixed nerves and endformations of vegetative nerves showed hypoargyrophilic and vacuolated degeneration with opaque swellling. These findings were observed also in other parts of the dermis, especially, so-called "neuro-swelling-parts" of subpapillary layer clearly. (2) The sensory nerves showed poorly argyrophilic, vacuolated and opaque degenerations and swelling of the neuroplasmas. (3) Degranulation of mast cells was more remarkably than in the case produced by intracutaneous injection of bradykinin. The granules were seen mostly in the vicinity of the nerves and blood vessels. (4) In the vegetative endformations of the neighbourhood of Schwann's nuclei on the blood vessel-walls, argyrophilic granules were increased and grouped. (5) These findings of the vegetative endformations suggest that centrifugal impulses go to ill-direction and have influences upon non-objected tissues or cells. (6) That findings of sensory nerves were observed as common findings in pruritic dermatoses and suggested that chemical stimulants from the surrounding tissue fluid or physical, osmotic pressure changes may greaty influence on the "naked" neurofibrils in these areas.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1967-07-30
- 皮膚科から見た蕁麻疹(第10回日本アレルギー学会総合シンポジウム)
- 9.エレドイシン様物質, フィサラミンの皮内注射所見, 補遺 : 反応と皮膚末梢神経像(第4回プラスマキニン研究会)
- 皮膚科領域における皮内反応の応用(第6回 近畿アレルゲン研究会)
- 標準系列貼布試験試薬の意義について
- 134)固定薬疹の免疫学的研究
- 129)モルモットDNCB接触皮膚炎における担体蛋白について 第2報.
- 7. 〓痒性皮膚疾患と起炎性物質皮内注射時の皮膚末梢神経所見 : 特にブラディキニン皮内注所見を中心に(第2回プラズマキニン研究会)
- 6. ブラディキニンによるマスト細胞(色素性蕁麻疹)の微細構造(第1報)(第2回プラズマキニン研究会)
- Compound 48/80皮内注射時の皮膚末梢神経所見
- 82.モルモット DNCB 接触皮膚炎における担体蛋白について(第1報)(K. 皮膚疾患とアレルギー)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 5. プラスミン皮内注射時の皮膚変化, 特に, 末梢神経像の変化を中心に.(V プラスミンとアレルギー)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 36. Immunodiffusionによるヒト皮膚抗原の分析(第14回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- レセルピンの蕁麻疹に対する効果について
- 蕁麻疹の統計的観察
- 21.抗癌梅毒に関する研究 : 梅毒血清 γ-グロブリンと駆梅剤との併用が抗療梅毒のレアギン反応終価に及ぼす影響に就て(第11回日本アレルギー学会総会一般演題)
- 1. ブラジキニンエレドイシン様物質, フィサラシンの皮内注射時の皮膚病理組織学的所見.(とくに, 末梢神経所見について)(第1報)