1. ブラジキニンエレドイシン様物質, フィサラシンの皮内注射時の皮膚病理組織学的所見.(とくに, 末梢神経所見について)(第1報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The present studies were made follows; 0.5 γ/0.025 ml of Bradykinin, 0.05 /0.025 ml of Eledoisin-like Substance (Lys-Phe-Ileu-Gly-Leu-Met-NH_2 ・ 2Hcl) and 0.025 γ/0.025 ml of Physalaemin were intracutaneously injected into normal-looking skins of patients with chronic urticaria (Bradykinin=2 cases, Eledoisin-like Substance=3 cases and Physalaemin=4 cases). 20 minutes and/or 30 minutes later, the skins were biopsied and subjected to histological examination for silver impregnation following Bielschowski-Suzuki's method and other mast-cell-stains. At the same time, the skins with spontaneously developed wheales lasting for 5 hrs. (2 cases) were also biopsied and examined in the same methods. Similar results as already reported^<l)2)> were obtained in this study. Various kinds of degeneration were seen in neuroplasma of sensory nerves or mixed nerves and vegetative endformations, particularly in nerves in the vicinity of dilatated capillaries where degranulated mast-cells were found in erythematously reacted area with various degrees of wheals were present. Eledoisin-like Substance atacked at the sensory neurofibrils. This substance was suggested painproducing Substance, especialy. Physalaemin atacked at the vegtateive endformations and neuroplasma and capillary-wall, especially. These substances may have direct influences at the peripheral nervous systems and/or capillary-walla.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1969-06-30
- 9.エレドイシン様物質, フィサラミンの皮内注射所見, 補遺 : 反応と皮膚末梢神経像(第4回プラスマキニン研究会)
- 7. 〓痒性皮膚疾患と起炎性物質皮内注射時の皮膚末梢神経所見 : 特にブラディキニン皮内注所見を中心に(第2回プラズマキニン研究会)
- Compound 48/80皮内注射時の皮膚末梢神経所見
- 5. プラスミン皮内注射時の皮膚変化, 特に, 末梢神経像の変化を中心に.(V プラスミンとアレルギー)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 12. サーモグラフィを用いた四肢の表在性静脈の造影とその臨床応用(第4回 日本医用サーモグラフィ研究会記録(II))
- 1. ブラジキニンエレドイシン様物質, フィサラシンの皮内注射時の皮膚病理組織学的所見.(とくに, 末梢神経所見について)(第1報)