Prednisolone 及び Glycyrrhizine の実験的アレルギー性脳髄脊炎の Passive Transfer に及ぼす影響
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Thirty out of forty rats, which were given intracutaneous injections of isologous spinal cord homogenates with Freund's complete adjuvant, developed the experimental allergic encephalomylitis (EAE). Anti-brain antibodies were demonstrated in the serum by means of the passive hemagglutination test (PHT) in both rats with EAE and those without BAE. However, no anti-brain localizing antibodies were demonstrated in the serum of both groups. The intravenous injection of serum of rats with EAE into rats, which received 800 r whole body irradiation, did not result in the positive passive transfer of EAE. However, the transplantation of spleen cells of rats with EAE caused EAE in rats, which received 800r whole body irradiation. Anti-brain antibodies were demonstrated by PHT in sera of both rats with EAE and those without EAE, which were given the transplantation of spleen cells of rats with EAE. NO anti-brain localizing antibodies were demonstrated in serum of the above rats. The administration of prednislone and glycirrhizin inhibited the passiv transfer of EAE in irradiated rats by means of spleen cells. No anti-brain antibodies were demonstrated in irradiated rats which received the transplantation of spleen cells from rats with EAE and the administration of prednisolone. However, anti-brain antibodies were present in serum of irradiated rats which were given the transplantation of spleen cells from rats with EAE and the administration of glycirrhizin. These results indicate that the mechanism of the inhibitory effect of prednisolone on the passive transfer of EAE is based on the suppression of transplanted immunocytes due to predinisolone. Glycirrhizin is supposed to inhibit the allergic reaction between transplanted immunocytes and target organs.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1966-02-28
- 28. 二, 三小児疾患における抗血管抗体の証明(第10回日本アレルギー学会総会一般演題)
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- 28.アレルギー性肝炎の研究 : 1.Localizing Antibodyについて(第11回日本アレルギー学会総会一般演題)
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- 8. N-p-chlorbenzhydryl-n-methyl homopiparazine dihydrochloride : ホモクロミンの抗アナフィラキシー作用機序(第2回プラズマキニン研究会)
- 73.抗組織抗体の研究 (臓器) : 1.異種抗組織(臓器)抗体の血液clearance(J. 免疫血清学的研究に関するもの)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
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