遠心圧縮機の旋回失速に関する研究 : 第2報, 羽根なしディフューザ入口形状の影響
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Rotating stall induced in a vaneless diffuser is examined. Combination of several low specific speed impellers and three types of diffusers with different inlet shape are tested. In the lower specific speed stages, the critical inlet flow angle for rotating stall depends not only on diffuser width ratio b/r_2, and contraction ratio b/b_2, but also on the inlet shape of the diffuser. As the inlet shape parameter Δr/r_2 becomes smaller than value of 0.1, the critical inlet flow angle becomes larger than the predicted value by the Senoo method. The empirical prediction formula of critical inlet flow angle in the first report is corrected by considering the influence of inlet shape. Influence of inlet shape on rotating stall phenomenon is also shown.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1990-09-25
西田 秀夫
小林 博美
高木 武夫
小林 博美
福島 康雄
高木 武夫
日立 機械研
福島 康雄
高木 武夫
福島 康雄
(株)日立インダストリイズ 産業機械事業部
西田 秀夫
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