- 論文の詳細を見る
Shaking table tests were carried out for an about 0.3 scale model of a three-story building supported by high damping rubber bearings. The tests demonstrated that the rubber bearings could achieve reduction in the response accelerations of the building such that the maximum accelerations at the top of the building were reduced to 1/2〜1/10 of those obtained under non-isolated conditions. Furthermore the floor response stectra obtained by the tests showed that the response accelerations of the internal equipment could also be greatly reduced in a wide frequency range except in a region around the 1st mode natural frequency of the isolated building. The good isolation performance like these resulted from the roundish loops of hysteretic restoring forces of the bearings. For analysis of the responses of the isolated building, three types of analytical models were used to express the restoring forces: these were a bi-linear model, a Ramberg-Osgood model and a rate model in which the dependency of the restoring forces on amplitudes was considered. Comparison between the analytical results and the experimental ones showed that, although all of the models could give satisfactory results for the maximum values of the responses, the bi-linear model could not give accurate results for the floor response spectra. The rate model was the best among the three models.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1991-04-25
鈴木 重信
藤田 隆史
藤田 聡
嶋崎 守
嶋崎 守
鈴木 重信
藤田 聡
鈴木 重信
藤田 聡
鈴木 重信
藤田 聡
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