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A nonaffine molecular chain network model of glassy polymers in which the number of entangled points of molecular chains may change according to the local distortion caused by the deformation and the temperature increase has been developed. A simple evolution equation which correlates the number of entangled points to the distortion and the change of the temperature has been proposed. Subsequently, the corresponding three-dimensional thermo-elasto-viscoplastic constitutive equation is developed. The finite element simulations with the proposed constitutive equation has been carried out for the glassy polymer blocks under plane strain tension and simple shearing. It is clarified that the neck and shear band propagate under low deformation rate, whereas they stay at their initial location due to the excessive softening caused by the temperature increase as compared with the orientation hardening. In simple shearing, the high temperature area corresponds to the significantly distorted area, while, in tension, they are different. Thus, the contributions of temperature and distortion on the reduction of the number of entangled points are different depending on the deformation modes.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1998-07-25
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