- 論文の詳細を見る
The failure behavior of symmetric angle-ply laminates under a uniform axial strain was elucidated with special emphasis on the effects of the stacking sequence and fiber orientation. Three basic failure modes, fiber breakage, matrix failure and delamination, are considered. Failure criteria are established in term of quadratic stress polynomials according to the three basic failure modes. The variations of the stress distributions near the free edges are illustrated through the application of a quasi-three-dimensional FEM with a four-node rectangular element. On the basis of the proposed failure criteria and the postfailure analysis, the failure modes are distinguished, the progress of failure to final laminate failure is traced, and the ultimate strength of laminates is obtained. A good agreement is obtained with experimental results found in the literature.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1995-05-25
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