- 論文の詳細を見る
Atmospheric corrosion of thin-film cobalt-based magnetic recording media was studied by surface analysis and by the experimental deposition of dummy particles. Thin-film corrosion tends to be affected by dust particles that adhere to the surface, even in a clean environment. The incidence of corrosion depends on the size of the dust particles. Surface corrosion is more conspicuous away from adherent dust rather than directly under it. Corrosion in those areas involves water adsorption through a porous overcoat, cobalt dissolution from the magnetic layer, and migration of cobalt ions through the carbon overcoat. We propose the following thin-film corrosion model; atmospheric vapor condenses in the crevice between the carbon overcoat and the dust ; this water penetrates and diffuses into the carbon overcoat, and a differential aeration cell is generated by the difference in dissolved oxygen concentration between the edge and center of the areas with diffused water. Furthermore, we propose a corrosion test method for thin-film recording media using uniform particles.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1991-10-25
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