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Ab initio tensile test of fcc-Cu(111)/Al_2O_3(0001) nano-hetero interface has been performed by using an ab initio pseudopotential method and the first-principles molecular dynamics. The adhesive and mechanical properties of the copper-alumina interfaces depended strongly on the interface stoichiometry. The non-stoichiometirc (O-terminated) interface has quite larger adhesive energy than that of the stoichiometric (Al-terminated) one, and the adhesive feature is different between two interfaces. Rigid-type tensile tests revealed the local strength of each interlayer, and developed the interlayer potentials and the effective interatomic potentials. In the O-terminated interface the Cu-O interface is twice as strong as the Cu-Cu interlayer whereas in the Al-terminated interface the Cu-Al interface is weaker than the Cu-Cu interlayer.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-11-30
Sakuma T
School Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Tanaka S
Interface Science Research Group Special Division For Green Life Technology National Institute Of Ad
Kohyama M
Research Institute For Ubiquitous Energy Devices National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science A
Yang Rui
Interface Science Research Group Special Division For Green Life Technology National Institute Of Ad
KOHYAMA Masanori
Special Division of Green Life Technology, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Tec
Tanaka Shingo
Special Division for Green Life Technology, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Te
Yang Rui
Special Division for Green Life Technology, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Te
Kohyama Masanori
Special Division Of Green Life Technology National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Tech
KOHYAMA Masanori
Department of Material Physics, Osaka National Research Institute
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