Mechanisms Involved in the Expression of p53-dependent Apoptosis Induced by X-rays
Yonekawa Hiromichi
Department Of Laboratory For Animal Science Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
Yonekawa Hiromichi
Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Of Medical Sci.
Yonekawa Hiromichi
Dep. Of Lab. Animal Sci. The Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Of Medical Sci.
Yonekawa Hiromichi
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science (rinshok
Dept. of Lab. Animal Sci., Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Med. Sci.
YONEKAWA Hiromichi
Dept. of Lab. Animal Sci., Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Med. Sci.
Radiation Research Institute, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Grad. Sch. Med., Univ. of Tokyo
Nakano Hisako
Nakano Hisako
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
Nakano Hisako
Dept. Radiat. Res. Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Med. Sci.
Shinohara Kunio
Shinohara Kunio
Advanced Research Institute For Science And Engineering Waseda University
Yonekawa H
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science The Tokyo Metroporitan Institute Of Medical Science
Nakano Hisako
Department Of Food Safety Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Public Health
Shinohara K
Radiation Research Institute Graduate School Of Medicine The University Of Tokyo
Shinohara K
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo‐shi
Yonekawa H
Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Of Medical Sci.
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