Repeated hepatocyte injury promotes hepatic tumorigenesis in hepatitis C virus transgenic mice
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-08-31
TAYA Choji
Department of Laboratory Animal Science, The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
YONEKAWA Hiromichi
Department of Laboratory Animal Science, The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
Wakita Takaji
Department Of Microbiology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience
SHIRAI Tomoyuki
Department of Pathology, Nagoya City University Medical School
Shirai Tomoyuki
KATO Takanobu
Department of Clinical Molecular Informative Medicine, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Med
Seki Ekihiro
Hyogo College Of Medicine
Seki Ekihiro
First Department Of Surgery Hyogo College Of Medicine
Taya Choji
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
Yonekawa Hiromichi
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
Yonekawa Hiromichi
Dep. Of Lab. Animal Sci. The Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. Of Medical Sci.
Yagi Shintaro
Advanced Life Science Institute Inc.
First Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Microbiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience
DATE Tomoko
Department of Microbiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience
YASUI Kotaro
Department of Microbloiogy, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience
OHUE Chiharu
Advanced Life Science Institute, Inc.
HIRANO Tadamichi
First Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Shirai Tomoyuki
Department Of Biochemistry Niigata College Of Pharmacy
Shirai Tomoyuki
Department Of Experimental Pathology And Tumor Biology Nagoya City University Postgraduate School Of
Date Tomoko
Department Of Microbiology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience
Yasui Kotaro
Department Of Microbloiogy Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience
Ohue Chiharu
Advanced Life Science Institute Inc.
Fujimoto Jiro
First Department Of Surgery Hyogo College Of Medicine
Kato Takanobu
Department Of Microbiology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience
Miyamoto Michiko
Department Of Microbiology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience
Hirano Tadamichi
First Department Of Surgery Hyogo College Of Medicine
Hirano T
First Department Of Surgery Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yonekawa Hiromichi
Department Of Animal Science The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
Taya Choji
Department Of Laboratory Animal Science The Tokyo Metropolitan Institute Of Medical Science
TAYA Choji
Department of Animal Science The tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
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