Effects of Thermal Neutrons on Living Cells II. Combined Effects of Thermal Neutrons and Several Agents which Interact with DNA
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In order to understand the further mechanisms of lethal actions of thermal neutrons, the combined effects of thermal neutrons and several chemical agents which interact with DNA, mainly bleomycin and actinomycin D, have been studied. Marked sensitization was observed with bleomycin even in its lower concentration, while in the case of actinomycin D, slight or no sensitization was found in its lower concentration, though considerable sensitization was observed in its high concentration (100 μg/ml). The sensitizing effects were stronger when the drug was administered before the irradiation than the case when the sequence was reversed. The marked sensitization found in the high dose of actinomycin D is considered to be the consequence of the single strand breaks in DNA chain, just as in the case of sensitization due to bleomycin. Because of the peculiar interaction of thermal neutrons with a matter, quite different approach as compared to that in the case of ultraviolet light or X-ray irradiation is required for an analytical work concerning the biological actions of this particles. In the previous paper, we proposed that the lethal action of thermal neutrons on the amoebae must arise by the nuclear reaction, namely, 31P(n, γ)32P on DNA chain. In order to understand the further mechanisms of lethal actions of thermal neutrons the combined effects of thermal neutrons and several chemical agents which interact with DNA have been studied.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
河合 建一
牧 広利
赤星 光彦
赤星 光彦
河合 建一
赤星 光彦
赤星 光彦
牧 広利
河合 建一
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