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淀川右岸中流地域に位置する摂津国島上郡・島下郡の村々の多くは,江戸時代初頭から譜代小藩である高槻藩の支配を受けた。それらの高槻藩領村々における水利普請は,幕府領・大名飛地領・旗本知行所・社寺領などが錯綜した周辺部をも含む地域一帯の水利秩序を規定し,同時に多様な形での地域的対立を惹きおこした。一連の水利普請は,普請形態の時期的変化を伴うものであったが,いま利用可能な若干の史料からも,高槻藩の収納米のトレンドや個別村落の「高免」との関連性を推察することは可能である。それは,いわゆる「非領国地域」において,ごく限られた地域を対象に年貢収取基盤の安定・強化を意図して展開された領国経営であり,相対的に強力な在地支配機構を支える柱石のひとつにほかならなかったと考えられる。On agricultural problems in the Tokugawa period, there are many studies from social economic historical point of view, but not so many from water control, which is the groundwork of the increase of agricultural productivity. In this study, we try to give an outline of works to facilitate the use of water in the Takatsuki-han's feud and further to consider the background of those. The Takatsuki-han held in fee a large number of villages at low-lying district along the Yodo river in Shimagami-gun and Shimashimo-gun, Settsu province. In the first half of the Tokugawa period, the clan carried out works to facilitate the use of water many times in its feud. Owing to geographical characteristic, drainage works on opening watercourse were main, which resulted in bringing establishment of water system into being in the whole low-lying district including the rest feuds at the end of Genroku period. Such trial as this was nothing but one of the development of clan policy to maintain the feudal system, related to increase of a land taxation, though it gave rise to serious trouble, i.e., regional opposition. In the latter half of the Tokugawa period, on and after the beginning of the 18th century, works were carried out on a small scale. And they were entrusted to water use organizations, because of financial difficulties of the clan. However water control was still a means of maintaining the feudal system.
- 1983-09-30
- 淀川低地高槻藩領の水利普請
- 明治・大正期高利貸付資本の一考察
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- 近世部落の人口動態と村落構造
- 過疎 : 島根県飯石郡吉田村を中心として
- 明治後期の地方銀行と景気変動 : 河内地方を中心として
- 近世寒天業の賃労働者