Measurement of Low Energy Beta Rays with the Liquid Scintillation detected by the Photomultiplier cooled with Thermo-elements
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the ordinary liquid scintillation counting the vial containing the sample and the photomultiplier are kept at low temperature in a large refrigerator. However, in order to avoid the possible undesirable effects of cooling the sample, only the photomultiplier kept in vacuum was cooled down to a temperature of -15〜-2O℃ with the thermoelements to reduce the noise. Even if it were cooled down to a lower temperature, the reduction of noise would be slight. Therefore a simplification of liquid scintillation counting can be achieved without cooling the sample by replacing the large refrigerator with small thermo-elements cooling only the photomultiplier.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
西脇 安
Tokyo Institute of Technology
河合 広
Musashi Institute of Technology
西脇 安
大島 陽太郎
Musashi Institute of Technology
小山 正希
Musashi Institute of Technology
小山 正希
河合 広
Kinki Univ.
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