Studies on the Movement and Distribution of Uranium in the Environments-Distribution of Uranium in Agricultural Products
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To study the behaviour and distribution of uranium in the environment, the uranium contents in various vegetables, soils and irrigation water collected at several districts including a district near an uranium mine were investigated. Results obtained are as follows; 1) Uranium contents of vegetables varied widely from 0.002 to 0.88 μg/g of ash. Uranium contents of leafy and root vegetables were large compared with those of berries and grains. 2) Concentration ratios from soils to vegetables and those from irrigation water to vegetables were 10^<-5>-10^<-3> and 1-100, respectively. In leafy and root vegetables, and also in potatoes with higher concentration ratios from both soils and water, a significant difference in uranium contents was observed among different districts. 3) Closer correlation between uranium and phosphorus than that between uranium and calcium was observed in leafy vegetables. Recently, much interest in the natural radioactivities in human body and its environments has been increasing. Many investigations on alpha emitters in environmental samples have been carried out especially from a viewpoint of the assessrnent of radiation hazard. The movement and distribution of alpha emitters in biological environrnents seem to be also important and interesting from radioecological view point. The authors reported the movement and distribution of alpha emitters, especially of uranium in the environments in the previous papers.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
桂山 幸典
古賀 妙子
本田 嘉秀
Morishima H
Kinki Univ.
森嶋 弥重
河合 広
河合 広
Kinki Univ.
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