西脇 安 | Tokyo Institute of Technology
西脇 安
Tokyo Institute of Technology
西脇 安
河合 広
Musashi Institute of Technology
河合 広
Kinki Univ.
加藤 敬香
Osaka City Institute Of Public Health And Environmental Sciences
加藤 敬香
Osaka Municipal Hygiene Laboratory
山田 昌子
Osaka City University
松本 一男
Musashi Institute of Technology
神子田 一彦
Osaka City University
森嶋 弥重
Kinki University
古久保 俊子
Kinki University
西岡 一
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Morishima H
Kinki Univ.
西岡 一
大島 陽太郎
Musashi Institute of Technology
小山 正希
Musashi Institute of Technology
小山 正希
- Studies on the distribution of ^Cs in rats (II) : (Distribution of ^Cs in rats during pregnancy and lactation)
- Influence of Calcium and Strontium Carriers for Radioactive Strontium Deposition in Bone
- Measurement of Low Energy Beta Rays with the Liquid Scintillation detected by the Photomultiplier cooled with Thermo-elements
- Biophysical Interpretation on the Biological Actions of Radiations (II) : (On the Examples of the Type-Analysis of the Dose-Survival and the Dose-Effect Curves)
- Biophysical Interpretation on the Biological Actions of Radiations (I) : (Correspondence between the Relay-contact System and the Gene-enzyme System and Some Discussions on the Target Theory)