Studies on the distribution of ^<137>Cs in rats (I) : (Distribution of ^<137>Cs in normal rats)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors studied the distribution of ^<137>Cs in albino rats after the subcutaneous injection of ^<137>Cs. The organs examined may roughly be divided into two groups: one that reaches a maximum concentration rapidly (at 1 hour after injection) and the other that reaches a maximum rather slowly (later than one hour). Such organs as heart, lung, liver, stomach, intestine, kidney and spleen were observed to belong to the first group and brain, testis, muscle, bone, and blood to the second group. The blood was rather peculiar in the sense that it reached a maximum concentration at 3 hours when the tissue concentration of most of the organs was observed to decrease. With most of the organs except blood the tissue concentrations was observed more or less to fluctuate for the first few days, but after about 3 days the mode of decrease of the concentration A (μc/g) may roughly be approximated by the following power function of time t (no. of days after injection) A = A_1t^<-n> The estimate value of n for each organ is as follows: 1.27 for heart, lung, and liver, 1.24 for stomach, 1.29 for intestine, 1.41 for kidney, 1.4 for spleen, 1.22 for brain, 1.2 for testis, 1.11 for muscle, and 1.3 for bone. With the blood, the initial fluctuation was observed to continue for about one week, but after about two weeks the mode of decrease of the concentration was also roughly approximated by the power function model of the above type with the value of n = 1.62.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
山田 昌子
Osaka City University
河合 広
Musashi Institute of Technology
松本 一男
Musashi Institute of Technology
神子田 一彦
Osaka City University
森嶋 弥重
Kinki University
古久保 俊子
Kinki University
西脇 安
Morishima H
Kinki Univ.
西脇 安
河合 広
Kinki Univ.
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