- 論文の詳細を見る
Although several ways have been proposed to predict low-cycle torsional fatigue life of metals under load controlled cycling conditions with mean stress, none of them is satisfactory for all materials and test methods. In this study, in order to investigate the influence of mean stress on the fatigue life of piano wires in a constant load cycling test, the low-cycle torsional fatigue tests were carried out on 0.84%℃ piano wires under load controlled cycling conditions with various stress ratios. The fatigue characteristic of each specimen was discussed and the fatigue fracture criteria, applicable to the load controlled fatigue test and given by the following equation, were proposed. [numerical formula] κ=τ_<0max>N_0/τ_<max>N where Δγ_p and Δγ_c are the ranges of plastic strain and permanent strain, respectively, dn is the infinitesimal increment of the number of strain cycles n, γ_<p0> is the strain for the first cycle, a is a material constant, C^^-_0 Is the average value of the constant C_0 obtained from the equation [numerical formula] when the mean stress is zero, N and τ_<max> are the number of cycles to fracture and the maxi-mum stress when the mean stress is applied, respectively, N_0 and τ_<0max> are those at zero mean stress. and γ_f is the fracture strain in the static test. From the test results, it was confirmed that the above equation is well applicable to the fracture life in low-cycle torsional fatigue tests with mean stress under load controlled conditions.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1979-06-15
- 日本材料学会疲労試験方法規約および同規格解説について : 規格作成のいきさつ
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- スポット溶接継手の疲労寿命分布に関する統計的研究(信頼性工学小特集)
- 121 スポット溶接継手の疲労寿命分布に関する統計的一研究(疲労強度)
- 回転曲げ繰返し荷重下におけるアルミナ・セラミックスの確率疲労特性について
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- 122 表面微小欠陥をもつSCM435丸棒試験片の疲労寿命分布に関する統計的研究(疲労寿命)
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- 1.高専機械工学科のカリキュラム改善に関する研究 : アンケート調査による卒業生の意見(第8セッション)
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