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As a method to predict the fatigue lives of metallic materials when mean strains are given, the fatigue fracture criterion based on varying plastic strains with mean strains taken into consideration has been varified experimentally by carrying out the low-cycle fatigue tests under tension-compression. This time, the authors carried out the low-cycle torsional fatigue tests under completely reversible stresses programmed between the stresses more than the yield point and less than the elastic limit, by using 0.84%C piano wires. As the test results, comparatively large mean strains appeared in the specimens in the opposite direction to that of load applied at first. Based on the test results, the authors investigated experimentally the applicability of the above-mentioned fatigue fracture criterion which was derived in the tension-compression fatigue tests. Furthermore, in the torsional programmed fatigue tests with intermittent high level stresses the influence of high level stress on the fatigue lives at low level stresses were also examined. And the applicability of the above fracture criterion has also been discussed on the basis of the experimentally determined correlation between the equivalent stress and the equivalent plastic strain amplitude. As the main conclusion, for estimation of fatigue lives by using the fatigue fracture criterion based on varying plastic strains, it is more accurate to calculate the fatigue live by taking the mean strains into consideration rather than by ignoring them.
- 1976-02-15
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