繰返圧縮荷重を受けるコイルばねの変形および強さ(第3報) : ピアノ線の場合
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In the previous papers, the authors reported on the experiments of the coiled springs of steel wire under pulsating compressive load, and obtained the fatigue strength and the deformation due to fatigue. Through the tests, the authors found that the deformation limit diagram of miniature coiled spring differed from that of the ordinary round steel bar. In the same way as reported in the previous paper, the authors wanted to find the effect of three different conditions, that is, untreated, heat-treated and set conditions of the coiled compression springs of piano wire (PI). The authors also examined the deformation due to fatigue under various mean stresses of the coiled springs of piano wire, heat-treated and annealed at 800℃ in vacuum, and compared this with the previous results. The results of these tests are as follows : 1) The proportional limits, the fatigue limits and the creep limit of the three kinds of coild springs are as follows : The untreated spring showed the lowest values in all these, the heat-treated one was the second, and the set spring was the higher than the others. 2) The residual shear strain of coiled springs under repeated compressive load was the largest in the pulsating test (τ_a=τ_m), but it decreased gradually as the mean stress increased up to τ_a/τ_m=0.6, and it appeared to increase more or less for the values of τ_a/τ_m smaller than 0.6. 3) A stress amplitude τ_a at endurance limit decreased gradually as mean stress increases. 4) τ_a in the fatigue creep limit diagram of the heat-treated spring kept approximately constant when τ_a/τ_m=1〜0.6. While, τ_a began to decrease rapidly when mean stress increases beyond such a range, and the slope was about 60゜ to the abscissa τ_a=0. 5) In the coiled spring, annealed in vacuum at 800℃, the deformation limit diagram kept almost horizontal when τ_a/τ_m=1〜0.6 and began to decrease remarkably beyond such a range and the inclination was approximately 45゜ to the abscissa τ_1=0. 6) It seems that the endurance limit diagram consists of an inclined line, and the fatigue creep limit diagram consists of a horizontal line (τ_a/τ_m=1〜0.6) and an inclined line (τ_a/τ_m<0.6).
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1961-02-15
関 護雄
藤谷 景三
河本 実
桜井 忠一
桜井 忠一
藤谷 景三
河本 実
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