耐熱綱 SUH 660 綱の低サイクル疲労特性の温度, ひずみ速度依存性
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Low-cycle fatigue tests were carried out on precipitation hardening, heat resisting steel, JIS SUH 660, at room temperature, 450, 600 and 700℃ under a triangular strain waveform for which the strain rate was 40, 4 or 0. 4%/min. The results obtained are summarized as follows : (1) The stress range decreased or increased first and then decreased with increasing strain cycles depending on the test condition. The strain rate dependence of the cyclic stress-strain relation was scarcely observed at temperatures up to 600℃. At 700℃ stress was smaller for the strain rate of 0. 4%/min than that for 40%/min. (2) For the relation between the plastic strain range and the number of cycles to failure, the strain rate dependence was scarcely observed at room temperature and 450℃, but the number of cycles to failure decreased with decreasing strain rate at 600 and 700℃. The temperature dependence of the relation was clearly found at temperatures from room temperature to 600℃, but there was no difference between the relations at 600 and 700℃. (3) Transgranular fracture surface covered with striations and small dimples were observed for the specimens tested at room temperature and 450℃. Intergranular fracture occurred at 600 and 700℃. (4) For the temperature range at which transgranular fracture occurs, the temperature dependence of the Δε_p-N_f relation could be explained by the mechanical parameter Δε_p(Δσ/σ_u)^2 which was introduced by Tomkins. (5) For the temperature range at which intergranular fracture occurs, the relation α = 1/(1+an) was obtained, where α is a constant value of 4〜6 and α and n are exponents of Δε_p-N_f and Δε_p-Δσ relations, respectively.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1981-09-15
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