S-B-8. Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on Cerebral Edema
Mukawa Jiro
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Mukawa Jiro
Neurosurgery Kyoto University Medical School
Taneda Mamoru
Division Of Cerebrovascular Diseases Hanwa Memorial Hospital
Ogawa Michio
Department Of Traumatology Osaka University Hospital
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Department of Neurosurgery,Osaka University medical School
Hayakawa Toru
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Osaka University Medical School
Kamikawa Kiyoo
2nd Department Of Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
Kanai Nobuhiro
Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
JINNAI Dennosuke
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
MOGAMI Heitaro
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
IOKU Masahiko
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
IKEDA Takuya
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
KURODA Ryotaro
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
KANAI Nobuhiro
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
IWATA Yoshikazu
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
MURUI Hiromasa
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
HORI Masaharu
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
OGAWA Michio
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
2nd Department of Surgery,Osaka University Medical School
Ogawa Michio
Traumatological Department Osaka University School Of Medicine
Tahara Ichiroh
Traumatological Department,Osaka University,School of Medicine
Department of Emergency Medicine, Osaka Prefectural Hospital
Hori Masaharu
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Kobayashi Kiyofumi
Institute for Neurobiology,okayama Univeristy medical School
Kobayashi Kiyofumi
Institute For Neurobiology Okayama University Medical School
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Surgery University Of Osaka School Of Mdicine
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Neurosurgery Kyoto University Medical School
MOGAMI Heitaro
Osaka University Medical School
Iwata Yoshikazu
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Mogami Heitaro
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Ikeda Takuya
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Yamada Ryohei
Department Of Traumatology Osaka University School Of Medicine
Yamada Ryohei
Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Taneda Mamoru
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Tahara Ichiro
Department Of Neurological Surgery Osaka National Hospital
Tahara Ichiro
2nd Department Of Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Murui Hiromasa
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Kanai Nobuhiro
Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Kuroda Ryotaro
Department Of Neurosurgery Kinki University School Of Medicine
Hayakawa Toru
2ed Department Of Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Jinnai Dennosuke
2nd Department Of Surgery Osak University Medical School
Taneda Mamoru
Department Of Neurological Surgery Osaka Univeristy
Ioku Masahiko
Department Of Surgery And Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Murai Hiroaki
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Hori Masaharu
Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Taneda Mamoru
Department Of Neurological Surgery Osaka National Hospital
Kmikawa Kiyoo
Surgery Osaka University Mdedical School
Hayakawa Toru
Department Of Neurosurgery The Center For Adult Diseases
Kuroda Ryotaro
Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Katsurada Kikushi
Department Of Emergency Medicine Osaka Prefectural Hospital
Katsurada Kikushi
Traumatological Department Osaka University School Of Medicine
Katsurada Kikuji
Traumatology Osaka University Medical School
Jinnnai Dennosuke
Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Ikeda Takuya
2nd Department Of Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Ikeda Takuya
Surgery University Of Osaka School Of Mdicine
Mukawa Jiro
Dept.of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Jinnai Dennosuke
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University School Of Medicine
Jinnai Dennosuke
Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Koshino Kentaro
2nd Department Of Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Ikeda Takuya
Surgery Osaka University Mdedical School
Iwata Yoshikazu
Department Of Neurological Surgery Osaka National Hospital
Iwata Yoshikazu
Dept.of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Katsurada Kikushi
Department Of Traumatology Osaka University School Of Medicine
Kobayashi Kiyofumi
Institute For Neurobiology Okayama Univeristy Medical School
Mogami Heitaro
2nd Department Of Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Mogami Heitaro
Department Of Neurological Surgery Osaka Univeristy
Ikeda Takuya
Department Of Neruosurgery Osaka University
Murai Hiromasa
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University
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- s-3. Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on cerebral damage
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- S-B-8. Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on Cerebral Edema
- 89. Sensory Hyperirritability from Intrathecal Alumina Gel Infection in Cats. A Pathohistological Study
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- 13. Electromyographical study for indication of stereoencephalotomy
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- 45. Subcortical or Brainstem Lesion Effect on Subcorticogenic Seizure with special Reference to the Forel-H Field : experimental analysis (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- N-3 N-3. A Case of "Cushing Ulcer" followed by the Stereotaxic Hypothalamotomy (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
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- 105 Basic Study on Forel-H-tomy
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- 156. Some Therapeutic Effect of Global Air or Oxygen Encephalography upon Posttraumatic Chronic Intracranial Hypotonia
- 127. Central Syndrome : Rostral-Caudal Deterioration in Acute Head Injury
- 13 13. Brain Stem or Lenticular Nucleus Lesion Effect on Epileptogenic Convulsion elicted by Intravenous Administration of Metrazol (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
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- 17. Indications of forel-H-tomy for the treatment of epilepsy
- 15 Physical and Physiological Studies on Localized Freezing in the Cat Brain
- 142 A Connection between the Bilateral Lenticular Nuclei through the Mid-line Nuclei of the Thalamus
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- 7. Forel-H Field Lesion Effect on Subcorticogenic and Limbicogenic Seizures : experimental study (PROCEEDINGS OF THE Vth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
- 10 Brain Stem or Lenticular Nucleus Lesion Effect on Epileptogenic Convulsion elicited by Intravenous Administration of Metrazol (Preliminary Report)
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- 7. Experimental Studies on Bilateral Motor Control of Subcortical Nuclei
- 7 7. Effects of Unilateral Cryothalamectomy upon Bilateral Symptoms of Parkinsonism (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
- 79 Experimental and Clinical Studies on the Chemotherapy of the Brain Tumor : -Preliminary Report-
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- II Perfusion fixation with potassium permanganate of the amine terminals of the central nervous system
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- 97. Effects of the Subcortical Stimulation upon the Bilateral H-Reflexes in Cats (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- 91. Studies on the Cultures of the Mammalian Spinal Cord (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
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- 127. Central Syndrome; Rostral-Caudal Deterioration in Acute Head Injury