142 A Connection between the Bilateral Lenticular Nuclei through the Mid-line Nuclei of the Thalamus
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Department of Neurosurgery,Osaka University medical School
Matsumoto Keizo
Osaka University Medical School
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Department Of Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Osaka University Medical School
NODA Hiroharu
Department of Surgery and Neurosurgery, Osaka University Medical School
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Surgery University Of Osaka School Of Mdicine
Kamikawa Kiyoo
Neurosurgery Kyoto University Medical School
JINNAI Dennnosuke
Osaka University Medical School
MOGAMI Heitaro
Osaka University Medical School
NODA Hiroharu
Osaka University Medical School
Noda Hiroharu
Department Of Surgery And Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Jinnai Dennosuke
2nd Department Of Surgery Osak University Medical School
Kmikawa Kiyoo
Surgery Osaka University Mdedical School
Jinnnai Dennosuke
Neurosurgery Osaka University Medical School
Jinnai Dennosuke
Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Mogami Heitaro
2nd Department Of Surgery Osaka University Medical School
Mogami Heitaro
Department Of Neurological Surgery Osaka Univeristy
- B-75. Estimation of tumor Sizr on Brain Scintigram
- B-11. Uptake of Bleomycin by Brain Tumors
- B-6. Digital Analysis of Scintigram of Brain Tumor
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- B-21. Basic Experiment to Apply Laser Radiation for Treatment of Brain Tumors
- s-3. Effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on cerebral damage
- e-25. Effects of Laser Radiation Upon the Transplanted Brain Tumor with Exogenous Photosensitizer
- e-23. Chemotherapy of Brain Tumor (Clinical Experiences Based on Experimental Studies)
- c-4. A Case of Malignant THYmoma with Spinal COmpression Sympom and Metastasis to the Skull
- a-3. Ascending Pathways from the Nucleus Caudalis of Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus in the Cat (With Special Reference to Pain Conducting Pathway)
- S-B-8. Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on Cerebral Edema
- 89. Sensory Hyperirritability from Intrathecal Alumina Gel Infection in Cats. A Pathohistological Study
- S-3. Chemotherapy of Brain Tumor (Symosium:Non-Operatives Treauments for Brain Tumors)
- Frontal Cryocinglumotomy for the Relief of Pain : Treatment of Intractable Pain by Frntal Cryocingulumotomy
- S-I-5 S-1-5. Stereotaxic Cryocingulumotomy and Experimental Studies on Neural Mechanism of Pain Perception (Symposium I: Pain)
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- 13. Electromyographical study for indication of stereoencephalotomy
- S-6. Electromyogram Study during Cryothalamectomy upon the Patients with Parkinson's Disease (Symposium:Human Depth Electrophysiology)
- 50 50. Stereotaxic Intraventricular Drainage for the Treatment of Large Cystic Craniopharyngioma and Cyst of Cavum Septi Pellucidi
- Partial Callosotomy for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome : First Cases in Japan
- 45. Subcortical or Brainstem Lesion Effect on Subcorticogenic Seizure with special Reference to the Forel-H Field : experimental analysis (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- N-3 N-3. A Case of "Cushing Ulcer" followed by the Stereotaxic Hypothalamotomy (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
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- S-1. Effects of Brain-Stem Stimulation and Destruction on Epileptic Excitabillity
- p-5 Subthalamic stimulation effect on epileptic wxcitability of neo-,archiand paleocortical systems
- 35. Clinical Results of Forel-H-tomy of the Treatment of Epilepsy
- 17. Indications of forel-H-tomy for the treatment of epilepsy
- 15 Physical and Physiological Studies on Localized Freezing in the Cat Brain
- 142 A Connection between the Bilateral Lenticular Nuclei through the Mid-line Nuclei of the Thalamus
- 10 Brain Stem or Lenticular Nucleus Lesion Effect on Epileptogenic Convulsion elicited by Intravenous Administration of Metrazol (Preliminary Report)
- 40. Neurosurgical Experiences under Total Circulatory Arrest with Profound Hypothermia using Extracorporeal Circulation (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- B-67. Some Efferent Connections of Centromedian Nucleus and Magnocelular Part of Medoa; Geniculate Nucleus in Cat. : With Specia Reference to the Pain Comducting pathway
- 7. Experimental Studies on Bilateral Motor Control of Subcortical Nuclei
- 7 7. Effects of Unilateral Cryothalamectomy upon Bilateral Symptoms of Parkinsonism (PROCEEDINGS OF THE IVth ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN STEREOENCEPHALOTOMY)
- 79 Experimental and Clinical Studies on the Chemotherapy of the Brain Tumor : -Preliminary Report-
- 28. Experience of Stereotaxic Radio-Gasserian-Gangliotomy by Linac Irradiation and Its Basic Experiment
- 143 Stereotaxic Criosurgery for Extrapyramidal Disorders and Epileptics
- 21. Forel-H-Tomy for the Treatment of Lennox Syndrome
- 14 Histological Change of Localized Freezing Lesion on Cat Brain and its Implication
- Total Removal of Embryonal Carcinoma in the Pineal Region : Case Report and Review of the Literature
- Intracerebral Lipoma : Case Report
- 8. Experience on Subthalamotomy : Discussion to 8.
- A New Alarm Device for Air Embolism during Neurosurgery in the Sitting Position
- 97. Effects of the Subcortical Stimulation upon the Bilateral H-Reflexes in Cats (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- 91. Studies on the Cultures of the Mammalian Spinal Cord (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)