14 Histological Change of Localized Freezing Lesion on Cat Brain and its Implication
Matsumoto Keizo
Osaka University Medical School
JINNAI Dennosuke
Osaka University Medical School
Jinnai Dennosuke
Osaka Univ.medical School
Osaka University Medical School
- 15 Physical and Physiological Studies on Localized Freezing in the Cat Brain
- 142 A Connection between the Bilateral Lenticular Nuclei through the Mid-line Nuclei of the Thalamus
- 10 Brain Stem or Lenticular Nucleus Lesion Effect on Epileptogenic Convulsion elicited by Intravenous Administration of Metrazol (Preliminary Report)
- 79 Experimental and Clinical Studies on the Chemotherapy of the Brain Tumor : -Preliminary Report-
- 135 Studies on the Convulsive Seizure induced by γ-Guanidinobutyric Acid
- 143 Stereotaxic Criosurgery for Extrapyramidal Disorders and Epileptics
- 14 Histological Change of Localized Freezing Lesion on Cat Brain and its Implication
- 8. Experience on Subthalamotomy : Discussion to 8.