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Recent studies have disclosing the presence of the tumor specific transplantation antigens (TSTA's) in most of animal tumors, similar type of antigens (TSA's) in some human neoplasms, and immune responses in tumor-bearing-hosts to the tumors. "Malignant" tumors, however, grow progressively, then kill the hosts. Because the tumor specific antigen may be poorly developed, or immune response of the hosts may be paralysed, the tumor growth cannot be suppressed. And also the blocking factors in the serum inhibits cell-mediated immune response against tumor associated antigens. We have employed the microcytotoxicity assay method to study the lymphocyte cytotoxicity of rats bearing ethylnitrisourea (ENU) induced gliomas and that of human bearing glioblastoma, and to determine the serum blocking effect of these. To verify above facts, those of normal rats and humans, and of human with other type of brain tumors were examined. Cultured cells derived from ENU induced rat glioma (RG) and human glioblastoma (KG, IG) were used for the target cells. The possibility to establish the immunological diagnostic method of brain tumor (glioblastoma) is discussed based upon following facts. The lymphocytes from rat with glioma or from human with glioblastoma attacked specifically target cells and destroyed. The serum obtained from these rat or human blocked such effect in a specific manner. In the control study, the lymphocytes from normal rat or human could attack and destroy target cells slightly, but this effect is weaker, and the blocking effect is none in the serum of these. Mixed culture of immunized lymphocytes and target cells was performed, and examined morphologically by conventional microscope, phase contrast microscope and electron microscope. To observe more dynamic state of immune reaction between immunized lymphocytes to target cells, slow speed movie film was taken with phase contrast microscope. In one group, RG was transplanted to new born rats subcutaneously. After tumor grew to thumb-tip sized, "immunized" lymphocytes were collected from each animal, then 10^<6-7>autochthonous lymphocytes suspended in 2 ml of normal saline was inoculated into each tumors. For control, normal lymphocytes or only physiological saline were injected into the tumors. In the autochthonous lymphocyte group, some tumor growth were suppressed, and even regressed. In normal lymphocyte group, some tumors were occasionally suppressed, but in physiological saline group, all tumors grew uninhibited. For clinical approach, 10^<7-8>autochthonous lymphocytes suspended in 2-6 ml of normal saline were inoculated into tumor, through Ommaya reservoier which had been established at the time of operation. Five patient out of nine have already died. Clinically, there seems to be considerable prolongation of the life. Marked necrosis of tumor tissue accompanied lymphocytes infiltation was found at autopsy examination.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
寺門 敬夫
住江 寛俊
順天堂大学病院放射線部 放射線科
石井 昌三
石井 昌三
小野 豪一
李 文相
住江 寛俊
住江 寛俊
寺門 敬夫
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