脳梗塞に関する実験的研究 (第3報) : No-reflow phenomenonの再検討
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To make an experimental cerebral infarction in the dog, a proximal clipping of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) was performed and the collateral blood supply was compromised by subjecting the animal hemorrhagic hypotension involving reduction of blood pressure to 50 mmHg for 1 hour.Then, the systemic blood pressure was restored by infusion of the shed blood. The clip was removed at different times-immediately, 0.5 hours, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours after restotraion.The no-reflow area was investigated by fluorescein angiography (FAG) and carbon perfusion method (CP).There were other groups in which the clip had been taken off at 0.5 or 4 hours after restoration and circulation was maintained 24 hours.The the no-reflow area was also investigated.There wes no evidence of the no-reflow phenomenon on the surface vessels after cerebral ischemia in any of the experimental conditions.Arteriovenous shunt or perivascular infiltration of fluorescein dye were only observed in the reflow area in animals which received temporary occulusion of the MCA for 6 hrs or more.On the other hand, the no-reflow phenomenon was observed by CP in intraparenchymal vessels which had been wxposed to focal cerebral ischemia.The longer the duration of ischemia, the more extensive were the area of no -filling. In animals with recirculation of 24 hrs duration after 4hrs of temporary occulusion, karge perfusion defects were also observed.In continuous occlusion of the MCA for 24 hrs without removing the clip, extravasation of carvon paricles were localized only in the boundary zone between the deep cortical layer and the subcortical white matter.To the contrary, animals with temporary occlusion for 24 hrs or animals with 4 hrs occlusion followed by recirculation for 24 hrs frequently caused wide exudation of carbon particles which extended into the gray matter of the MCA territory.These animals showed more severe hemorrhagic infarction than those with the parmanent occlusion.
- 日本脳神経外科学会の論文
- 1979-12-15
柴田 尚武
安永 暁生
柴田 尚武
長崎県立長崎シーボルト大学 大学院人間健康科学研究科
安永 暁生
長崎大 医
柴田 尚武
Department of Neurosurgery, Nagasaki University
安永 暁生
Department of Neurosurgery, Nagasaki University
森 和夫
Department of Neurosurgery, Nagasaki University
Mori Kazuo
Department Of Neurosurgery Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
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